The platform is free for Events and online subscriptions
Our platform evolves quickly. We are pleased to keep you informed of all minor and major improvements. Do you have an idea to improve EVENTALIX, let us know. We will be happy to read any message on our Facebook page or e-mail!
We have a new extra service "Ticket-scanner" - Scan your tickets for your Event. We have already been asked a few times whether we could add "Ticket control" to EVENTALIX. Well, we have now done something about that. You can now create an Event with your "ticket" as an item. Once you have ordered the Extra service, the subscriber will receive a ticket per item. The organizer provides the e-mail addresses of the people who are at the "entry scan", and those people have access to the scanner via their smartphone. You can choose to check only on entering, but also on entering and exiting, for people who want to go outside for a while.
Now temporarily at the price of €1.00 until the end of 2024 If you have any questions, please let us know.
The extra service "details of the subscriptions" has been thoroughly revised. At your request, we have adjusted this extra service to include the full details of the subscriptions in this extra service. Now you have all the data that is in the normal overview and the other data, that could only be exported with the extra service, together in a single data file. Now you get the full detail for all ordered items per registration on one line, instead of one line per ordered item in the previous edition
A new extra service that will help you and your subscribers with the payment. Do you have an Event where your subscribers can pay during the Event or pay by transfer to your account? Well, we now have an Extra Service that allows you to generate a QR code for the settlement of a subscription. You can call it up at the cash register and have it scanned with the banking app, or the customer can call up the QR code at home in his subscription dashboard, scan it and pay. The big advantage is that the payments are made to the right account with the correct reference...
Oh yes... before we forget, there is also the other new extra service to use your own background image on the subscription form for your Event. Check it all out.
EVENTALIX will not post any message on your profile without your permission.
Register or log in via e-mail
Not yet registered? Complete your e-mail address and password and click on "Register". You'll receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your registration.
Password forgotten? Complete your e-mail address and click on "password forgotten". You will receive an e-mail to choose a new password.
Questions? Suggestions? We would love to hear them!