


The extra service "details of the subscriptions" has been thoroughly revised.
At your request, we have adjusted this extra service to include the full details of the subscriptions in this extra service. Now you have all the data that is in the normal overview and the other data, that could only be exported with the extra service, together in a single data file.
Now you get the full detail for all ordered items per registration on one line, instead of one line per ordered item in the previous edition

A new extra service that will help you and your subscribers with the payment.
Do you have an Event where your subscribers can pay during the Event or pay by transfer to your account? Well, we now have an Extra Service that allows you to generate a QR code for the settlement of a subscription. You can call it up at the cash register and have it scanned with the banking app, or the customer can call up the QR code at home in his subscription dashboard, scan it and pay.
The big advantage is that the payments are made to the right account with the correct reference...

Oh yes... before we forget, there is also the other new extra service to use your own background image on the subscription form for your Event. Check it all out.

The tests on EVENTALIX with online payments via stripe have ended.
Now it's available for everyone.

The version of EVENTALIX with online payments via stripe is going into "live test" .
We worked on it much longer than we had anticipated. We had already introduced Stripe to pay for extra services, now it's time to test online payments live with some customers... Another month or two and it's here for everyone.
You can already find and read the information about the online payments on our page "info about payments (link)". It is very simple for the customers, but for the organizer there are a few things to do first.
Just a little while longer and "Stripe online payment" can be used for your Event.

We've added a new extra service - taking orders at the table during your Event.
Do you organize restaurant days or a quiz or any other Event where you take orders at the table?
Well in Eventalix you can create items for an Event that are ordered "in advance" and also items that are ordered "during the Event"... like drinks or snacks or whatever.
This new extra service allows you to go to the table with a smartphone or tablet, "scan" the subscription form and place an order for these items. At the "bar" you can "call" the order and prepare it. The ordered items are automatically added to the subscription and therefore also to the bill. Pay at the cash register and hop...
If you want to know more, be sure to check our list of FAQ...
Oh yes, almost forgot... all for the soft launch price of 10€ per Event.

It's been a while since we released a "News". Well, we are still very active with the platform. This is a first release leading up to the long promised "Online Payments"!!

This new version of the platform contains a lot that you can't see yet. The entire preparation to offer the online payments has been processed... but is not yet available... first some testing. You can already read here and there how it all works...

The most important thing that is already in use is the payment of the extra services via Stripe.
Now it won't take that long.

In order to support you even better, we have made a number of adjustments. You will have extra options to adjust the subscription form:

If you work with dates, you can now decide whether the subscriber has to enter the number of people or not. Until now that was mandatory, now you have the choice.

For the items that can be ordered you have extra options for the maximums:
  • You will be given the choice whether the maximum applies to an item per time slot or to the entire event.
  • You can set a minimum and maximum number of items per order.
  • You can set whether at least one item must be indicated per subscription.

Have a try and be sure to give us your feedback!!

At your request we have made an adjustment to the extra service. You can now get a complete output of the subscriptions with all the details: personal data, contact details as well as the chosen date, the items ordered and the comments of the subscribers.
You can also export this data to CSV and Excel. This way you can edit the lists yourself.

Have a try and be sure to give us your feedback !!

At your request, we made an adjustment to the subscription form. For Events with date selection, we no longer show the dates in the past:

  • If there are dates in the past, they will no longer be shown on the subscription form.

  • If there are only dates left in the past, the subscriber can no longer subscribe.

  • An existing subscription for a date in the past cannot be changed.

You can now always add dates to your existing Event, the old dates will disappear from the online subscription form. You do not need to create a new Event for the subscriptions for the following week. And so the link to the subscription form remains the same for the subscribers.

Give it a try and give us your feedback !!

To serve you even better, we added two COVID features:

  • You can now decide to ask the phone number of the subscriber, and also decide if the phone number is mandatory or not.

  • We added a paying service: the list of all the subscribers with their name, first name, e-mail address, phone number, subscription date and selected timeslot. These data can also be exported to CSV, PDF or excel.
    You can activate this service by clicking "extra services" on the Event dashboard.

A whole new look! A lot has changed!

First of all: about all pages look different...

Second: introducing the dashboard concept for the organizer:
  • Event Dashboard: Overview of the Event in a dashboard where all data and actions can be reached on the Dashboard.
  • Dashboard for a subscription for the organizer: clear overview of a subscription for your Event from where you can see all the information and take actions.
  • Overview subscriptions: The overview has been adapted and expanded with a search function.
Third: The menu has been thoroughly modified by introducing the dashboards.

Just try and give us your feedback!!

Important adjustments for subscriptions:
  • From now on you can subscribe for an Event without creating an account.
    (Note: if later you want to open or edit this subscription, you must create an account.)
  • The subscription form has been adjusted so that it is clearer on smartphone.
  • Introduction of the subscription dashboard. Clear overview of your subscription from which you can see all information and perform actions. You must have an account for this.
  • For the Organizer: modification of the overview of subscriptions so that you can perform all actions from here (change, confirm, delete...).

It's going fast now. We again processed a number of comments and suggestions.
The following is now added:
  • You can now set a "maximum" for each item you offer (optional).
  • To enter payments, there must be orderable items, pre-ordered or Event-ordered.
  • The subscription form will now also show what has already been paid (entered by the organizer).
  • Export of the statistics to XLS, CSV or PDF for the number of ordered items.

The next batch of feedback was processed. Just like last time, we have processed and implemented some of your questions in the software.
This time we included the following:
  • An organizer can now tick a checkbox to receive or not the e-mails for the subscriptions.
  • Subscribers will now receive an e-mail if an organizer adjusts their subscription.
  • Subscribers will now receive an e-mail if an organizer adjusts their payment status.
  • Statistics are now available per Event Date.

The user has spoken. You helped us with your feedback and suggestions. We have tackled a number of recurring suggestions and implemented them. More will follow in the next release.
The most important are:
  • Possibility to make a simple order list.
  • Export of the overview of subscriptions.
  • Add a button to e-mail the organizer.
  • Easily adjust the order of the orderable items.

Version 1.0 of EVENTALIX has been released.
This time it's a rather technical update of the tool.
  • Technical upgrade of the database.
  • A limited "look & feel" update.

Version 0.8 of EVENTALIX has been released.
After the important update of the "look & feel" in version 0.7, we have taken the next step with the version 0.8 of the EVENTALIX platform.
Less visible, but important:
  • Technical upgrade of the software for improved security.
  • The Cookie message... we too have to do this.
  • Some other GDPR stuff...

Version 0.7 of EVENTALIX is released.
Feedback from users of EVENTALIX has become the basis of this new EVENTALIX 0.7 version of the platform.
We keep you informed of the evolution.

De IsDaNIX BV. is founded and is the owner of EVENTALIX.

Update of EVENTALIX: based on your feedback we made some improvements and released a new version of EVENTALIX.
  • New overview of the subscriptions and orders with the possibility to enter payments quickly
  • Improved operation on smartphones and tablets
  • QR-code as link to on-line subscription form
  • Protection of minors has been added in view of the Privacy legislation
  • Improved error handling
  • We added some demos: three Events as an example of what you can do with EVENTALIX

Update of EVENTALIX: based on your feedback we made some improvements and released a new version of EVENTALIX.
  • Copy Event added: now you can copy one of your previous Events and modify where required for your new Event.
  • The error messaging and handling for the input is improved.
  • The interface on mobile devices was modified.

Launch of EVENTALIX on May 16th 2017. The application can be used for free.
Any feedback you may have on the application can be given on our Facebook page, the website or via e-mail.
We are working on expanding the platform. We will keep you posted on the evolution.

We have submitted EVENTALIX as a case for "Start it". "Start it" is KBC's starter-platform where new ideas can be submitted. Start-up ideas are first reviewed by a jury of experts. Then, if your idea is found worthy, you are invited to pitch this idea. Based on your pitch, you are selected or not for the starters community...
EVENTALIX got to pitch at "Start it" on May 3rd, 2017... and we were now part of the community!

The annual resto-days of the Vlierbeek scouts were a great success, also thanks to EVENTALIX. 250 subscriptions were managed with a total of 700 subscribers for this two day Event. The subscriptions were handled smoothly with EVENTALIX, and we received some positive feedback.

And so our platform continues to grow...